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The Ultimate Pay-per-Click (PPC) Guide for Schools and Educational Institutions

In today's dynamic digital landscape, a robust online presence isn't a luxury for educational institutions – it's essential. Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising offers a powerful tool to reach your target audience directly, driving valuable traffic to your website and increasing applications or enquiries....

The Ultimate SEO Guide for Schools and Educational Institutions 

In the ever-changing digital landscape we exist in today, having a solid online presence isn’t a luxury for educational institutions anymore – it’s a necessity. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) plays a significant role when it comes to getting new prospective...


PPC and SEO Acronym Glossary for 2024

Whether you’re a skilled marketer or just stepping into the digital arena, having a digital marketing glossary at your disposal can come in handy. With dozens of acronyms, metrics, tools and techniques, and new technologies introduced all the while, our...

B2B Social Media Myths Debunked: Why B2B Companies Need Social Media

It is no marketing revelation that social media is a hugely influential marketing platform. Yet, the belief that social media marketing is only for B2C companies, even now, is keeping B2B companies from getting the most for their business communication...

Google Rolls Out Link Spam Update to Search

As of July 26, Google began rolling out a link spam update which would continue to roll out over the following 2 weeks. This Google algorithm update targets links deemed to be spammy. As ever, Google is looking to improve...

Online Retail & UK Ecommerce Update for May 2021

April 2021 saw internet sales as a percentage of total retail sales drop down to 29.4%. In March this figure was 32.8%, but it is an understandable drop as restrictions are lifted and normality begins to return to the daily...

Apple v Facebook: What ATT Means For Advertisers & Users

“They collect thousands of pieces of information about you to create a digital profile that they sell to others…This has been happening without your knowledge or permission. Your information is for sale. You have become the product.” Above was taken...

Google Product Reviews Algorithm Update: What You Need to Know

Google announced a new algorithm update which aims to promote high-quality product reviews in the search results by identifying which reviews offer more to shoppers.. Any posts which are single reviews or round up reviews such as “top 10s” or...

Online Retail and Ecommerce Statistics Update April 2021

As we make the slow and steady return to normality, we are seeing retailers open up their doors to a relieved public. But how will this impact online retail and ecommerce stores? Figures from March 2021 regarding retail and online...

Google Expands On May 2021 Page Experience Update Ahead Of Launch

Launching in just one month, Google has shared new details on the forthcoming page experience update. The update will look to improve how Google spots good and bad websites by adding a variety of user experience criteria as elemental ranking...

Search Engine Optimisation Tips: Get The Most Out Of Basic SEO

Vital for searchability and visibility, search engine optimisation (SEO) makes a huge difference to the success of your website and business. Yet, thanks to Google updates and other search engine progressions, SEO success isn’t always straightforward. What is SEO? Search...

What Content Marketing Platforms Should You Be Using This Year?

“Content is king” You’ve probably heard that before. In fact, it’s been around since Bill Gates published it 25 years ago. But what actually makes content king? Site content alone is the biggest influence to draw visitors to your site....