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Ecommerce August Update: Online UK Retail Statistics

The ONS has published the statistics for ecommerce performance within the UK for July, which was always going to be an interesting period for online retailers and the high street. As you can see in the chart below, the online...

Ecommerce & UK Online Retail Statistics Update June 2021

As the UK readied itself to tear up the COVID rules, the retail and ecommerce space seemed uncertain. However, the Office for National Statistics compiled the retail sales statistics for the UK in June 2021, and sheds light on what...

Facebook’s New Update Sees Businesses Reach Customers Across Apps

Following Shopify’s expansion with Google – an expansion that brought shopping to a multitude of Google’s platforms – last week Facebook announced that it would be adding even more apps to its e-commerce shopping experience, including WhatsApp and Marketplace. Several...

Ecommerce Trends 2021: The Future of Online Retail in the UK

2020 has quite possibly been the strangest year that ever was in the modern age. With vaccinations rolling out and a lift of restrictions on the horizon, 2021 promises to be a fascinating and more positive year. 2020 saw record...

People at home during COVID and ecommerce

The Impact of COVID-19 on UK Ecommerce & Online Retail in 2020

2020 has been dominated by COVID-19 everywhere you look. All the news stories revolve around the pandemic, everyone is discussing the latest measures with family and friends, and everyday life has fundamentally changed. Whatever your walk of life or outlook...

How & Where to Advertise an Ecommerce Website Online

Running an ecommerce business is never simple or easy, and achieving business growth to take it to the next level can leave many people scratching their heads. If you haven’t invested in online advertising, or have just dipped a toe...

Ecommerce Store SEO Tips: What to Consider for Organic Traffic

44% of people start their online shopping by searching on Google. This means if you have an ecommerce store, you need to consider your SEO (search engine optimisation). If you are not thinking of SEO when building your ecommerce store,...