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Kentico CMS vs WordPress: Choosing the right CMS for your business

As businesses navigate the dynamic landscape of content management systems (CMS), the decision to choose between Kentico CMS and WordPress becomes a critical aspect of establishing and maintaining a robust online presence. In this post, we hope to equip you...

Wordpress logo on a background

Is WordPress Good for a Small Business Website?

WordPress has become one of the most popular content management systems on the internet, and for good reason. WordPress is used for many things, including personal blogs and business websites. But is WordPress the right platform for your small business,...

9 Web Design Trends to Watch in 2017

The web design trends are always changing, bringing about new ways to create better customer journeys and increase your sales or leads.

Why Google Prefers Responsive Web Design

Why Google Prefers Responsive Web Design

Google openly recommends using responsive web design, and it is now a search ranking signal. But why exactly does Google prefer responsive websites?