
Why Email Marketing is Essential for your Business

Reading Time: 21 mins

Email marketing has played an essential role in any company’s marketing strategy.

For many, email marketing is still considered an underrated marketing tool, so much so that some companies only use it to send out a one-off email every now and again.

If you believe this is you, well, let us tell you, email marketing is so much more and has so much more to offer to help reach and connect with your target market.

But why is email marketing so important, especially nowadays?

In this post, we’ll highlight why email marketing should be in your online strategy and what you can gain from this type of marketing channel.

First things first, email marketing allows you to engage with anyone interested in what you sell.

Unlike social media, which are controlled by third parties who can make considerable changes to their platforms, email marketing is an open communication platform that allows you to send email content you want your customers to see.

Alongside engagement, email marketing allows companies to personalise their contact with their ideal consumer.

Some would say email marketing is more effective than social media because it allows you to speak to your target market and those who are very interested in what you’re selling and want to know more.

While this is great, you may be asking, what can you gain from email marketing? And the quick answer is many things.

Benefit From Valuable Insight

What’s great about email marketing is that companies can gain valuable insight into their marketing efforts through one thing we call A/B testing.

This allows you to use your customer’s data and test how your target audience responds to your emails. For example, you could try different ways to structure your email, including how many visual elements are included in the body of the text or even other subject lines.

When testing, the idea is that you’ll begin to answer questions that’ll help unlock the potential growth element for your email marketing. 

For example, you’ll be able to answer questions such as:

  • Does HTML or plain text emails work for our customer base?
  • What time and day does my customer base interact with our email campaign?
  • Do longer, or shorter subject lines work?

Whatever you choose, through your testing efforts, you’ll begin to understand how best to relate to your customers and, in time, gain better results when it comes to your email’s click-through rate, open rate and overall ROI.

Action Oriented

Email marketing is transactional and ultimately has an overall goal for those interacting with their campaigns: to direct traffic to the relevant website and drive sales.

Whether you know it or not, email marketing is ideal for businesses as we are trained to do or click something within email campaigns.

It can be to reply, sign up, purchase or even click on the link to your website; email is a channel everyone expects it from. So why not do it?

If you are new at this, one recommendation would be to hold off sending out empty ending newsletters but use some automation-based tools when your customer triggers a goal from your email.

Connecting Your Marketing Channels

This is by far the most valuable point in what you can do with email marketing.

Email marketing lets you connect with the other channels you are using to target your audience.

For example, if you gain a customer lead through SEO, advertising or even social media, they end up following your call to action to your website; what could come next? Alongside a potential sale, your email campaign could go next!

Of course, a sale would be the main goal you’d want to achieve; however, as a business, keeping a long-lasting customer will keep those sales coming.

Directing customers to a place to sign up for your emails would help you bridge an ongoing connection with them and ultimately send our emails that nurture them and create brand awareness.

This is where you can tell them more about your brand and new and existing products/services that your business sells that would ultimately result in ongoing conversions.

Remember, email marketing is the bridge to which you can connect all marketing channels and keep your business and customer relationship going.  


To conclude, whether you’re a business owner or marketer, many marketing channels are readily available to help you reach your audience.

As highlighted above, email marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract, keep, connect and engage with your audience to drive leads and revenue.

So why not have a go with email marketing today? 

If you’re unsure about email marketing and how to start, contact our digital marketing team at Xanthos and let us help you.