
Become a Brilliant Business Blogger

Reading Time: 7 mins

If you are serious about attracting more website visitors via the major Search Engines, you must be prepared to publish regularly to a business blog. Blogging ticks a number of boxes in helping to improve your social media as well as search marketing objectives.

Additionally, posting a consistent stream of well prepared content is a superb way to have something of interest to highlight in your next email newsletter.

The following ideas are designed to help get your creative juices flowing in order to hone your content marketing skills and ultimately help you become a brilliant business blogger.

Write for Your Intended Audience

Have a clear understanding of who you are trying to reach when writing your blog posts. What types of content will most interest them?

Consider creating a short survey to ask customers what would help them most. Canvas existing email subscribers to find out what their burning issues are and how you might be able to help address them.

Run a Series On Hot Topics

Once you have a better understanding what the hot topics are, prepare a series of posts to address them. Be creative with how to address the issues and what the post headings might include. Your blog headings are a great place to indicate the post is part of a series. This can help pique interest as well as enable you plenty of opportunity to demonstrate your expertise.

Share the Load with Multiple Authors

Don’t get caught out by thinking you need to do it all yourself. Work out a content plan, together with a schedule for publishing your posts. Then look within, and sometimes outside of your company to leverage additional expertise in addressing relevant topics.

This doesn’t mean you need to give away complete editorial control – it’s simply a way to diversify both the source and writing style of your content.

Make it Easy to Subscribe

With an increasing number of ways to connect with customers, there really isn’t any excuse for making subscribing to your blog a simple one or two click process. RSS feed subscription, email sign up form and numerous social media connect buttons makes keeping up with your new blog content a breeze for your customers.

Add to this publishing snippets of your latest blog post to Twitter and Facebook for example, and you have some great social media content to help drive traffic to your blog – and ultimately your website products.

If you would like help improving your business blog, please get in touch by calling 08450 740068.

By Olga Travlos